Riyad Global Income Funds - Riyad Capital
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Riyad Global Income Fund

As one of the leading investment management company in Saudi Arabia, Riyad Capital continuously strives to offer quality products which meet its customers’ investment needs. In its continuous efforts, Riyad Capital is launching the “Riyad Global Income Fund”, for investors seeking periodic cash income with the possibility of achieving growth on the invested capital.
How to achieve returns?
The Fund will be managed by “Fidelity Worldwide Investments”, which is the strategic partner of Riyad Capital. The portfolio manager invests primarily in income producing equity securities globally to ensure the best possible returns in terms of dividends and asset growth.
Investment strategy:
The investment strategy of Riyad Global Income Fund is based on selecting companies with focus on quality and sustainability of income, stable yield and growth expectations. All this is supported by a rigorous investment process, high compliance standards and an experienced investment team.
The Fund aims to pay cash dividends on a quarterly basis. Investors subscribing before the due date (first working day of the months of February , May, August and November), will receive cash dividends within 15 working days.