Riyad Saudi Equity Fund - Riyad Capital
Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Make your investment add value to you through dealing with a company that has extensive local knowledge, experience and regional constraints.
Riyad Equity Fund 1 from Riyad Capital is an investment pool of reputable Saudi joint stock companies from a range of sectors and offers an attractive return on investment.
Exposure to various sectors such as banks and finance, cement, retail, hotel, agricultural and industrial
Superior ability to identify promising local stocks and companies with favorable returns

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The Fund aims to provide long-term capital growth through investing its assets mainly in listed Saudi joint stock companies across different sectors.
The Fund manager employs research tools and focuses on companies that enjoy strong fundamental factors and promises long-term growth. The Fund manager will diversify assets to minimize risk taking into consideration the relative weights of companies in the benchmark, risk requirements, market trends, economic and political conditions, in addition to Fund objectives.
Riyad Equity Fund Facts:
Launch Date: 03-Dec-1992
Fund Manager: Farooq Waheed
Fund Currency: Saudi Riyals (SAR)
Fund Domicile: Saudi Arabia
Fund Objective: Capital Growth
Risk Level: High
Fund Classification: Local
Valuation/Dealing Days: Sunday to Thursday
Settlement In: 3 Business Days
Sector Focus: Diversified
Minimum Subscription, Additional Subscription and Redemption limits:
Initial Subscription/Minimum Balance: SAR 5,000
Minimum Redemption/Additional: SAR 1,000
Fees and charges:
Annual management fee: 1.5% - Front end fee = 1.0%
Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The value of units, the income from them, the prices and currencies of the funds, can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than he or she originally invested. Additionally fees shall apply on the fund. Changes in currency rates may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of the security. To ensure proper understanding of the fund and its suitability for you according to your risk tolerance, we recommend that you seek a specialized investment advisor. More information about the fund is available in the Terms and Conditions applicable to that fund and must be read carefully before investing. While reading the fund’s Terms and Conditions, please refer to the principal risks of investing in the Fund.
Fund Documents
Voting Policy
The policy was approved by the Fund Board on 6th of April 2010 at the meeting # RC/FB5/2010
Overview of Voting Policy
Shareholders in public companies typically have voting rights associated with their stock holdings. These voting rights allow shareholders (including institutions such as Riyad Capital on behalf of all mutual funds and portfolios it manages) to vote at annual and special company meetings.
The typical agenda for each company meeting will include more than one proposal, such as Election of directors, Dividend payout, Capital adjustment, or approval of a Merger or Acquisition. Proposals are most commonly put forth by the company's management, but may be submitted by a shareholder as well. The company's management may provide a voting recommendation for each proposal, and each proposal is evaluated separately by Riyad Capital relative to our proxy voting guidelines.
Voting Policy Guidelines
(I) Auditors
We generally vote in favor of the proposed auditor, as long as it is one of the reputed auditors.
(II)Extraordinary Business Combination Transactions
Votes on mergers and or acquisitions and corporate restructuring proposals are considered on a case-by case basis, taking into account the following:
Anticipated financial and operational benefits
Offer price (cost v. premium)
Prospects of the resulting company
(III) Election of Directors
As a matter of policy, Riyad Capital will not participate in voting for any board member nominees relating to a company in which RC funds are investing, unless in cases where RC has no doubt that such participation is clearly required to protect the interest of the underlying company and /or the funds shareholders.
(IV) Dividend Payout & Capital Adjustment
Votes on Dividend payout & Capital adjustment are considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the financial position and strategy of the company, the sector it operates in and the current and prospective market environment.
How to apply
You can apply through one of the following:
- Through Riyad Capital Online
- By contacting Riyad Capital via phone and applying through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- By visiting the nearest Riyad Capital Center and applying through one of the Customer Service representatives
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the details of non-fundamental changes to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces the approval of the Fund’s Board of Directors of a non-fundamental change to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, such changes will become effective on (03/11/1446 H.), corresponding to (01/05/2025 G.).
The details of the non-fundamental changes are as follows:
Updating the schedule of payments from the Fund's assets in relation to financing costs, auditor fees, Zakat and tax advisor fees, benchmark fees, remuneration of the Fund's board members, expenses of unit holders’ meetings, and the other expenses;
Amending the minimum initial subscription, additional subscription and redemption and removing the minimum balance.
Updating the Fund's Board of Directors information related to some of the Board members.
Appointing of fund Auditor for the fund and adding the related information;
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, as of (03/11/1446 H.), corresponding to (01/05/2025 G.).
A summary of the main updated items are as follows:
Updating the schedule of payments from the Fund's assets in relation to financing costs, auditor fees, Zakat and tax advisor fees, benchmark fees, remuneration of the Fund's board members, expenses of unit holders’ meetings, and the other expenses;
Amending the minimum initial subscription, additional subscription and redemption and removing the minimum balance.
Updating the Fund's Board of Directors information related to some of the Board members.
Appointing of fund Auditor for the fund and adding the related information;
The updated terms and conditions can be found in the attached file. Click here
Tuesday , 14 January 2025
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2024.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link
Monday , 14 October 2024
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2024
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be
retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link
Sunday , 11 August 2024
Announcement by The Riyad Capital for providing the public with the interim financial statements of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2024 are available to the public.
The Riyad Capital announces that the interim financial statements of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2024. The following is the summary of the interim financial results of the period:
- Net assets on the end of period of (142,147,924) (SAR).
- Total expenses and fees for the period (1,719,891) (SAR).
- Net profit (loss) for the period of 2,701,604 (SAR).
- Number of outstanding units in the end of period (3,593,965.66) (units).
- Net asset value for the unit in 39.55 (SAR)
- Revenue of the period 1.68%.
- Revenue of the period 1.68%.
Sunday , 14 July 2024
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2024.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:https://www.riyadcapital.com/documents/671358/4440768/Riyad+Saudi+Equity+Fund+Q2+2024+EN.pdf/7026b341-8ccd-5a79-a14e-a7fa9ebb62b3?t=1720960263744
Sunday , 21 April 2024
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2024.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Thursday, 28 March 2024
Announcement by The Riyad Capital that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2023 are available to the public
The Riyad Capital announces that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2023.
Net assets on the end of period of (146,628,334) SAR.
Total expenses and fees for the year/period -3,385,541SAR.
Net profit (loss) for the year/period of 38,259,466 SAR.
Number of outstanding units at the end of period 3,769,465.93) (units)
Net asset value for the unit in 38.90 SAR.
Revenue of the period 31.47% .
Sunday, 14 January 2024
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2023.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2023 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the details of non-fundamental changes to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces the approval of the Fund’s Board of Directors of a non-fundamental change to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, such changes will become effective on (29/06/1445 H.), corresponding to (11/01/2024 G.).
The details of the non-fundamental changes are as follows:
- Appointing a zakat and tax advisor for the fund and adding the related information;
- Adding regulatory disclosures related to Zakat;
- Adding the zakat and tax advisor’s expenses to the schedule of fees and expenses;
- Reconstitution of the Fund’s Board of Directors
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, as of (29/06/1445 H.), corresponding to (11/01/2024 G.).
A summary of the main updated items are as follows: - Appointing a zakat and tax advisor for the fund and adding the related information;
- Adding regulatory disclosures related to Zakat;
- Adding the zakat and tax advisor’s expenses to the schedule of fees and expenses;
- Reconstitution of the Fund’s Board of Directors
The updated terms and conditions can be found in the attached file. Click here
Monday, 11 December 2023
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding a change of the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund due to resignation of board member (Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Mashal) (membership status: Dependent), from (07/04/1445 H.), corresponding to (22/10/2023 G.), and appointment of board member (Mr./ Abdullah Alshubaily), (membership status: Independent), from (09/04/1445 H.), corresponding to (24/10/2023 G.). The formation of the Board of Directors, after the change, shall be: - (Mr./ Raed Albarakati), (membership status: Dependent)
- (Mr./ Abdullah AlFaris), (membership status: Dependent)
- (Mrs./ Amal Alahmad), (membership status: Dependent)
- (Mr./ Abdullah Alshubaily), (membership status: Independent)
- (Mr./ Faisal AlMekanzi), (membership status: Independent)
- (Mr./ Sattam Al Suwailem), (membership status: Independent)
Announcement by (Riyad Capital) regarding the wrong pricing of the units of the Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital Company announces a wrong pricing of units of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, during of the period (3 days on 21/11/2023 and 22/11/2023 and 23/11/2023), The following is the total assets and the unit price after correction:
- Total Assets (133,749,662.50) SAR
- Unit price (35.379657) SAR
- Percentage of error in the unit price (1.38) %
- Date of wrong pricing announcements (22-23-26/11/2023) Corresponding to (08-09-12/05-1445 H)
All affected unitholders will be compensated (including former unitholders) for all pricing errors without delay. Should you need further clarification,
Please contact us by (phone number 920012299 / email ask@riyadcapital.com)
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2023.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2023 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Announcement by The Riyad Capital for providing the public with the interim financial statements of TheRiyad Saudi Equity Fundfor the period ending on 30/06/2023 are available to the public.
The Riyad Capital announces that the interim financial statements of TheRiyad Saudi Equity Fundfor the period ending on 30/06/2023. The following is the summary of the interim financial results of the period:
- Net assets on the end of period of (143,100,987) (SAR).
- Total expenses and fees for the period (1,664,647) (SAR).
- Net profit (loss) for the period of 20,431,373 (SAR).
-Number of outstanding units in the end of period (4,178,419.44) (units).
-Net asset value for the unit in 34.25 (SAR)
- Revenue of the period 15.80%.
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2023.The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2023 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2023.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2023. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Announcement by The Riyad Capital that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2022 are available to the public
The Riyad Capital announces that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2022.
Net assets on the end of period of (133,076,973) SAR.
Total expenses and fees for the year/period 4,239,063 SAR.
Net profit (loss) for the year/period of 24,224,692 SAR.
Number of outstanding units at the end of period 4,498,186.50) (units)
Net asset value for the unit in 29.58 SAR.
Revenue of the period 7.27% .
Thursday, January 12, 2023Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2022.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2022. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, as of (22/02/1444H.), corresponding to (15/01/2023G.).
A summary of the main update items are as follows:
- Changing the composition of the fund's board of directors
- Amending the fund’s borrowing percentage
- Changing the dealing and valuation days
The updated terms and conditions can be found in the attached file:Click here
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the details of non-fundamental changes to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces the approval of the Fund’s Board of Directors of a non-fundamental change to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, such changes will become effective on (22/02/1444 H.), corresponding to (15/01/2023 G.).
The details of the non-fundamental changes are as follows:
- Amending the fund’s borrowing percentage
- Changing the dealing and valuation days
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding a change of the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund due to appointment of board member (Mr. Faisal AlMekanzi) (membership status: Independent), from (04/05/1444 H.), corresponding to (28/11/2022 G.). The formation of the Board of Directors, after the change, shall be:
1. (Mr./ Raed Albarakati), (membership status: Dependent)
2. (Mr./ Abdulrahman Al-Mashal), (membership status: Dependent)
3. (Mr./ Abdullah AlFaris), (membership status: Dependent)
4. (Mrs./ Amal Alahmad), (membership status: Dependent)
5. (Mr./ Sattam Al Suwailem), (membership status: Independent)
6. (Mr./ Faisal AlMekanzi), (membership status: Independent)
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2022.
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/09/2022. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding a change of the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity FundRiyad Capital announces a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund due to resignation of board member (Dr. Abdulwahab Abu Dahesh) (membership status: Independent), from(08/02/1444H.), corresponding to (04/09/2022 G.). The formation of the Board of Directors, after the change, shall be:
- Raed Albarakati), (membership status: Dependent)
- (Mr./ Abdulrahman Al-Mashal), (membership status: Dependent)
- Abdullah AlFaris), (membership status: Dependent)
- Amal Alahmad), (membership status: Dependent)
- Sattam Al Suwailem), (membership status: Independent)
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, as of (27/01/1444H.), corresponding to (25/08/2022G.).
A summary of the main update items are as follows:
- Amending the Auditor name in the Fund Summary in the Terms and Conditions
- Update the summary of financial information of the fund manager in the Terms and Conditions, highlighting, revenues and profits in the preceding financial year.
- Adding the customer services email for Complaints procedures in the Terms and Conditions
- Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as an auditor for Riyad Saudi Equity Fund instead of PKF Al-Bassam & Co Chartered Accountants.
The updated terms and conditions can be found in the attached file:Click here
Announcement by The Riyad Capital for providing the public with the interim financial statements of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2022 are available to the public.
The Riyad Capital announces that the interim financial statements of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2022. The following is the summary of the interim financial results of the period:
- Net assets on the end of period of (169,145,789) (SAR).
- Total expenses and fees for the period (2,428,343) (SAR).
- Net profit (loss) for the period of 28,792,776 (SAR).
- Number of outstanding units in the end of period (5,454,347.84) (units).
- Net asset value for the unit in 31.01 (SAR)
- Revenue of the period 12.44%.
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the details of non-fundamental changes to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces the approval of the Fund’s Board of Directors of a non-fundamental change to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund, such changes will become effective on (27/01/1444 H.), corresponding to (25/08/2022 G.).
The details of the non-fundamental changes are as follows:
- Amending the Auditor name in the Fund Summary in the Terms and Conditions
- Update the summary of financial information of the fund manager in the Terms and Conditions, highlighting, revenues and profits in the preceding financial year.
- Adding the customer services email for Complaints procedures in the Terms and Conditions
- Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as an auditor for Riyad Saudi Equity Fund instead of PKF Al-Bassam & Co Chartered Accountants.
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2022.The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2022. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2022.The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/03/2022. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Announcement by The Riyad Capital that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2021 are available to the public
The Riyad Capital announces that The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund annual reports, including the annual audited financial statements, for the period ended on 31/12/2021.
Net assets on the end of period of (202,227,343) SAR.
Total expenses and fees for the year/period ( -3,443,241) SAR.
Net profit (loss) for the year/period of (49,718,698) SAR.
Number of outstanding units at the end of period (7,332,458.87) (units)
Net asset value for the unit in 27.58 SAR.
Revenue of the period 41.30% .
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding an updateof the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces an update of the terms and conditions of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund as of (28/07/1443 H) corresponding to (01/03/2022 G.) A summary of the main updated items are as follows:
- Update terms & conditions according to the updated investment fund regulations
- Change fund board members
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding a change of the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund
Riyad Capital announces a change in the membership of the Board of Directors of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund due to resignation of board member (Mr. Adel Ibrahim Al-Ateeq) (membership status: Dependent), and the resignation of board member (Mr. Farraj Saad Al-Qabani) (membership status: Dependent) and the resignation of board member (Mr. Haytham Al-Kowaileet) (membership status: Dependent) from (03/06/1443 H.), corresponding to (06/01/2022 G.), and appointment of board member (Mr./ Raed Albarakati), (membership status: Dependent), and appointment of board member (Mr./ Abdulrahman Al-Mashal), (membership status: Dependent), and appointment of board member (Mr./ Abdullah AlFaris), (membership status: Dependent) from (12/07/1443 H.), corresponding to (13/02/2022 G.). The formation of the Board of Directors, after the change, shall be:
1. (Mr./ Raed Albarakati), (membership status: Dependent)
2. (Mr./ Abdulrahman Al-Mashal), (membership status: Dependent)
3. (Mr./ Abdullah AlFaris), (membership status: Dependent)
4. (Mrs./ Amal Alahmad), (membership status: Dependent)
5. (Dr./ Abdulwahab Abu Dahesh), (membership status: Independent)
6. (Mr./ Sattam Al Suwailem), (membership status: Independent)
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2021.The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2021. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Announcement by The Riyad Capital for providing the public with the interim financial statements of TheRiyad Saudi Equity Fundfor the period ending on 30/06/2021 are available to the public.
The Riyad Capital announces that the interim financial statements of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2021. The following is the summary of the interim financial results of the period:
- Net assets on the end of period of (151,900,353) (SAR).
- Total expenses and fees for the period (1,455,755) (SAR).
- Net profit (loss) for the period of 35,240,927 (SAR).
- Number of outstanding units in the end of period (6,050,241.33) (units).
- Net asset value for the unit in 25.11 (SAR)
- Revenue of the period 28.28%.
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2021.The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad Saudi Equity Fund for the period ending on 30/06/2021. A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link:
Riyad Capital announces the details of notifiable changes to Riyad Saudi Equity Fund.
Riyad Capital announces the details of notifiable changes to RiyadSaudi Equity Fund, such changes will become effective on 23/08/1442H. corresponding to 05/04/2021G.
Details of the notifiable changes are: (Changing the custodian to HSBC Saudi Arabia, and the address of the fund manager).
Riyad Capital announcement availability of the annual report of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund including the audited annual financial results for the year ended 31/12/2020.
Riyad Capital announces that Riyad Saudi Equity Fund `s annual audited results are available to the public. The following is a summary of the annual financial results for the period ended on 31/12/2020.
- Net Asset Value at the end of the period (134,587,284)SAR.
- Total Expenses and Fees for the Year (-3,207,437) SAR.
- Net Income for the Year (7,762,723) SAR.
- Net Asset Value per unit: 19.52 SAR.
- Number of Units (6,895,089.30)
- Total returns for the period: 7.65%
for further details on the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Results, please visit
Riyad Capital announces the appointment of HSBC Saudi Arabia as a Custodian for Riyad Saudi Equity Fund.
Riyad Capital announces the appointment of HSBC Saudi Arabia as a Custodian for Riyad Saudi Equity Fund effective Monday 23/08/1442H. corresponding to 05/04/2021G.
Riyad Capital announces the availability of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund semiannual reports including semiannual financial statements reviewed for the period ended 30/06/2020 to the public.Riyad Capital announces the availability of semiannual reports. The following is a summary of the semiannual financial results for the period ended 30/06/2020:
- Net assets at the end of the period 174,267,776SAR
- Total expenses and fees for the period (1,618,341) SAR
- Net profit / (loss) for the period )25,379,739( SAR
- Number of units at the end of the period 10,949,782.89 units
- Net unit value of 15.92 SAR
- Return of period -11.48%
Please Find the report at the below link:
Riyad Capital announcement availability of the annual report of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund including the audited annual financial results for the year ended 31/12/2019.
Riyad Capital announces the availability of audited annual results for the year ended 31/12/2019.
Here is the summary of results:
Net Asset Value at the end of the period(199,021,873)SAR.
Total Expenses and Fees for the Year (-3,907,636) SAR.
Net Income for the Year (22,229,300) SAR.
Net Asset Value per unit: 18.23 SAR.
Number of Units10,918,264.31.
Total returns for the period:11.76%
for further details on the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Results, please visit
Riyad Capital announces the availability of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund semiannual reports including semiannual financial statements reviewed for the period ended 30/06/2019 to the public.
Riyad Capital announces the availability of semiannual reports. The following is a summary of the semiannual financial results for the period ended 30/06/2019:
- Net assets at the end of the period 225,124,524 SAR - Total expenses and fees for the period (1,988,993) SAR - Net profit / (loss) for the period 30,010,612 SAR - Number of units at the end of the period 11,981,694.41 units - Net unit value of 18.79 SAR - Return of period 15.43 % Please click here to view the report
Riyad Capital announces the availability of Riyad Saudi Equity Fund semiannual reports including semiannual financial statements reviewed for the period ended 30/06/2018 to the public.
Riyad Capital announces the availability of semiannual reports. The following is a summary of the semiannual financial results for the period ended 30/06/2018:
- Net assets at the end of the period 206,896,987 SAR
- Total expenses and fees for the period (1,767,262) SAR
- Net profit / (loss) for the period 40,740,650 SAR
- Number of units at the end of the period 12,238,291.26 units
- Net unit value of 16.9057 SAR
- Return of period 24.60 %
Please Find the report at the below link: