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Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund

an open-ended public money market fund that invests in money market instruments that comply with the Shariah criteria approved by the Shariah Committee and aims to preserve the invested capital.

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Launch date: October 27, 2024
Fund Manager: Fahad Al-Shubaili
Fund classification: Money Market - Shariah Compliant
Sector Focus: Murabaha transactions
Risk Level: Low
Fund Currency: Saudi Riyal
Dealing days: Sunday through Thursday
Reimbursement period upon redemption: 3 business days


Minimum Subscription, Additional Subscription and Redemption limits:

Minimum initial subscription: SAR 100

Minimum additional subscription or redemption: SAR 100


The Fund invests its assets primarily in money market instruments, and the Fund Manager will rely on an investment policy that allows it to concentrate its investments in a variety of investment categories as described below.

Asset Type

Minimum Limit

Maximum Limit

Money Market Instruments.


Debt Instruments and Structured Islamic deposits.


Public Mutual Funds.


Money Market instruments and Debt instruments (unrated and sub-investment grade).


Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The value of units, the income from them, the prices and currencies of the funds, can go down as well as up. Investors may get back less than he or she originally invested. Additionally fees shall apply on the fund. Changes in currency rates may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of the security. To ensure proper understanding of the fund and its suitability for you according to your risk tolerance, we recommend that you seek a specialized investment advisor. More information about the fund is available in the Terms and Conditions applicable to that fund and must be read carefully before investing. While reading the fund’s Terms and Conditions, please refer to the principal risks of investing in the Fund.


Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund


You can apply through one of the following: 

  1. Through Riyad Capital Mobile Application
  2. Through Riyad Capital Online
  3. By contacting Riyad Capital via phone and applying through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  4. By visiting the nearest Riyad Capital Center and applying through one of the Customer Service representative

Tuesday , 14 January 2025
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2024

The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of The Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund for the period ending on 31/12/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link

Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund.
Riyad Capital announces the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad SAR Liquidity Fund:
  • Date of closing the offering period: 27 October 2024.
  • The collected amount: SAR 323,693,996.27
  • Date of fund operation: 27 October 2024.


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