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Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund

The fund aims to distribute income on a monthly basis by investing in a Shariah-compliant, diversified, multi-asset portfolio.

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Launch date: December 30, 2024
Fund classification: Multi Asset - Shariah Compliant
Asset class: Multi asset Classes
Risk Level: High
Fund Currency: Saudi Riyal
Dealing days: Monday and Thursday of each week
Reimbursement period upon redemption: 5 business days

Fund Objective:
The fund aims to distribute income on a monthly basis by investing in a Shariah-compliant, diversified, multi-asset portfolio.

Fund Strategy:
The Fund invests its assets primarily in a diversified portfolio of asset classes including equities, debt instruments, money markets and alternative investments locally, in Saudi Arabia, and globally. The Fund Manager will adopt an investment policy that enables concentration of investments in various asset classes as outlined below.
Asset Type

Minimum Limit

Maximum Limit

Local Equities


Debt Instruments


Money Market Instruments


Alternative Investments


Private Funds and Illiquid Assets

Minimum Initial Subscription, Additional Subscription and Redemption:
Minimum initial subscription: SAR 100
Minimum additional subscription or redemption: SAR 100

Fees and expenses:
Subscription fee: Up to 1% of the subscription amount (no fee through digital channels)
Management fee: 1.00% of the fund's net asset value per annum

Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund

Subscription Channels:

You can subscribe through: 
  • Riyad Capital Mobile Application;
  • Riyad Capital Online;
  • Riyad Capital’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service

Monday , 30 December2024

Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund:
  • The Date of the end of the offering: 30 December 2024.
  • The collected amount: SAR 130,396,353.10
  • Date of fund operation: 30 December 2024.

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