Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund - Riyad Capital
Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund
The fund aims to distribute income on a monthly basis by investing in a Shariah-compliant, diversified, multi-asset portfolio.

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Launch date: December 30, 2024
Fund classification: Multi Asset - Shariah Compliant
Asset class: Multi asset Classes
Risk Level: High
Fund Currency: Saudi Riyal
Dealing days: Monday and Thursday of each week
Reimbursement period upon redemption: 5 business days
Fund Objective:
The fund aims to distribute income on a monthly basis by investing in a Shariah-compliant, diversified, multi-asset portfolio.
Fund Strategy:
The Fund invests its assets primarily in a diversified portfolio of asset classes including equities, debt instruments, money markets and alternative investments locally, in Saudi Arabia, and globally. The Fund Manager will adopt an investment policy that enables concentration of investments in various asset classes as outlined below.
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Minimum Initial Subscription, Additional Subscription and Redemption:
Minimum initial subscription: SAR 100
Minimum additional subscription or redemption: SAR 100
Fees and expenses:
Subscription fee: Up to 1% of the subscription amount (no fee through digital channels)
Management fee: 1.00% of the fund's net asset value per annum
Past performance is not necessarily a guarantee of future performance. The unit holder shall bear the responsibility for any financial loss that may result from investing in the fund Also, the value of units and the income generated from them and their prices can go down and up at any time. investing in the fund is not considered as a deposit with any local bank. It is possible for the investor to redeem an amount less than the amount he originally invested, in addition to that, the fees incurred by the fund and changes in currency exchange rates may negatively affect the value, price or income of the security.The fund fees and expenses are applicable as mentioned in the Fund’s terms and conditions.. It is possible that Riyad Capital has provided securities business services to the issuer of securities or related securities during the previous twelve months. Riyad Capital, or any of its employees, or any of its subsidiaries or related companies, may have a financial interest in the assets of this fund. The investor should consult a qualified investment advisor to determine the appropriateness of his investment in this fund and the potential risks. To obtain more information about the fund before investing, you can refer to the terms and conditions of the fund and read them carefully, including the risks related to the fund. A copy of the Terms and Conditions is available through our website
Minimum initial subscription: SAR 100
Minimum additional subscription or redemption: SAR 100
Fees and expenses:
Subscription fee: Up to 1% of the subscription amount (no fee through digital channels)
Management fee: 1.00% of the fund's net asset value per annum
Past performance is not necessarily a guarantee of future performance. The unit holder shall bear the responsibility for any financial loss that may result from investing in the fund Also, the value of units and the income generated from them and their prices can go down and up at any time. investing in the fund is not considered as a deposit with any local bank. It is possible for the investor to redeem an amount less than the amount he originally invested, in addition to that, the fees incurred by the fund and changes in currency exchange rates may negatively affect the value, price or income of the security.The fund fees and expenses are applicable as mentioned in the Fund’s terms and conditions.. It is possible that Riyad Capital has provided securities business services to the issuer of securities or related securities during the previous twelve months. Riyad Capital, or any of its employees, or any of its subsidiaries or related companies, may have a financial interest in the assets of this fund. The investor should consult a qualified investment advisor to determine the appropriateness of his investment in this fund and the potential risks. To obtain more information about the fund before investing, you can refer to the terms and conditions of the fund and read them carefully, including the risks related to the fund. A copy of the Terms and Conditions is available through our website
Subscription Channels:
You can subscribe through:
- Riyad Capital Mobile Application;
- Riyad Capital Online;
- Riyad Capital’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service
Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Announcement by Riyad capital regarding the distributions of Fund’s dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the distribution of cash dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund from February ,1, 2025 to the end of February 2025 as follows:
‒ The EX- dividend date will be to those who own the units according to unitholder register by the end of Thursday, 28/08/ 1446 H corresponding to 27/02/2025
‒ Total cash distribution is SAR 1,296,369.28;
‒ The distributions will be based on 21,319,758.00350 existing units
‒ The distribution amount is SAR 0.0608 per unit
‒ The distribution percentage is 0.6042% % of the net asset value
‒ Dividends will be paid within five business days
The Fund Manager would like to remind entitled Unitholders to update their bank account information in order to ensure depositing the outstanding distribution to their accounts directly.
Sunday , 02 February 2025
Announcement by Riyad capital regarding the distributions of Fund’s dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the distribution of cash dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund from January ,1, 2025 to the end of January 2025 as follows:
‒ The EX- dividend date will be to those who own the units according to unitholder register by the end of Thursday, 30/07/ 1446 H corresponding to 30/01/2025
‒ Total cash distribution is SAR 1,093,227.76;
‒ The distributions will be based on 18,705,458.91 existing units
‒ The distribution amount is SAR 0.05844 per unit
‒ The distribution percentage is 0.57% % of the net asset value
‒ Dividends will be paid within five business days
The Fund Manager would like to remind entitled Unitholders to update their bank account information in order to ensure depositing the outstanding distribution to their accounts directly.
Tuesday , 14 January 2025
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset for the period ending on 31/12/2024
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset for the period ending on 31/12/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link
Monday , 30 December2024
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund:
Announcement by Riyad capital regarding the distributions of Fund’s dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the distribution of cash dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund from February ,1, 2025 to the end of February 2025 as follows:
‒ The EX- dividend date will be to those who own the units according to unitholder register by the end of Thursday, 28/08/ 1446 H corresponding to 27/02/2025
‒ Total cash distribution is SAR 1,296,369.28;
‒ The distributions will be based on 21,319,758.00350 existing units
‒ The distribution amount is SAR 0.0608 per unit
‒ The distribution percentage is 0.6042% % of the net asset value
‒ Dividends will be paid within five business days
The Fund Manager would like to remind entitled Unitholders to update their bank account information in order to ensure depositing the outstanding distribution to their accounts directly.
Sunday , 02 February 2025
Announcement by Riyad capital regarding the distributions of Fund’s dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the distribution of cash dividends to the Unitholders of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset Fund from January ,1, 2025 to the end of January 2025 as follows:
‒ The EX- dividend date will be to those who own the units according to unitholder register by the end of Thursday, 30/07/ 1446 H corresponding to 30/01/2025
‒ Total cash distribution is SAR 1,093,227.76;
‒ The distributions will be based on 18,705,458.91 existing units
‒ The distribution amount is SAR 0.05844 per unit
‒ The distribution percentage is 0.57% % of the net asset value
‒ Dividends will be paid within five business days
The Fund Manager would like to remind entitled Unitholders to update their bank account information in order to ensure depositing the outstanding distribution to their accounts directly.
Tuesday , 14 January 2025
Announcement by the Riyad Capital the availability of the quarterly statement of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset for the period ending on 31/12/2024
The Riyad Capital announces that the quarterly statement of Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi Asset for the period ending on 31/12/2024 A copy of the quarterly statement can be retrieved in Riyad Capital website in the following link
Monday , 30 December2024
Announcement by Riyad Capital regarding the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund
Riyad Capital announces the results of the initial public offer of the Riyad Monthly Distributions Multi-Asset Fund:
- The Date of the end of the offering: 30 December 2024.
- The collected amount: SAR 130,396,353.10
- Date of fund operation: 30 December 2024.
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